Dan Abrams appeared alongside Nancy Grace to discuss the recent charges made against Douglas Kennedy, the tenth and youngest son of late Robert. Kennedy faces 1...

Dan Abrams was on Good Morning America to cover the continuing "Daycare Murder" Trial, where Hemy Neuman faces charges of murder for killing his supposed lover's...

From Mediaite: Bill Maher went on Hardball yesterday to discuss with pal Chris Matthews, who called Maher "the funniest, smartest guy in the room," his million...

From Mediaite: On Monday, Morning Joe's Mike Brzezinkski weighed in on GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney‘s recent economic speech at a mostly-empty Ford Field stadium in Detroit, Michigan by...

After his first trial last year resulted in a hung jury, Jason Young now faces another on charges of killing his pregnant wife, Michelle Young, in...

Dan appeared on Good Morning America a couple days ago to discuss the trial for Hemy Neuman, who is charged with the killing of Rusty Sneiderman. The...

  From Mediaite: Thursday night's OutFront with Erin Burnett hosted Rudy Giuliani, who made some interesting comments on the topic of Iran. Giuliani called Obama a "weakling"...

  Dan Abrams returns for the third time to Good Morning  America to discuss developments in the Gabe Watson trial.  He pointed out strengths of both the prosecution...

 Dan Abrams returned to Good Morning America to help  speculate on the continuing trial for Gabe Watson.  Focusing on the newest testimonies, Dan still considers  it...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.