On Mediaite: everyone at "Morning Joe" was on another level today. Erin Burnett, ostensibly on for her usual "Business Before The Bell" segment, didn't realize she...

On Mediaite today: Carl Paladino's ugly remarks about children being "brainwashed" into thinking that homosexuality is acceptable have had one positive effect: openly gay New York...

Mediaite has video of Sarah Palin dispensing some of her solid-gold political advice to Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell. The former governor of Alaska argued that, rather...

Mediaite has video of senatorial candidate Joe Miller on Megyn Kelly's show today, ostensibly there to settle the controversy surrounding his reluctance to endorse Sarah Palin...

Mediaite reports that the Washington Post's Dana Milbank is making the rounds promoting her new book: "Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Teabagging of...

Mediaite has the story of the interviewer whose Sirius radio show featured the rant from Rick Sanchez that got him fired from CNN. Initially, Pete Dominick...

On Mediaite today: Rick Sanchez, knocking it out of the park! Apparently needled by all the criticism of him on "The Daily Show" and the "Colbert...

Mediaite has the ever-helpful Rick Sanchez waxing poetic on the use of the word "bully" on CNN. According to Sanchez, "this whole term [bullying], it’s a...

Grumpy older man alert! Mediaite has video of Aaron Sorkin's appearance today on "The View." Sorkin was on the show to promote "The Social Network," the...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.