From Mediaite:  NSA's PRISM only targets foreigners and those conducting relations outside of the United States.  Mediaite reports "In a Paul McCartney-shortened segment Wednesday night, Stephen Colbert...

Today, Dan appeared on Good Morning America to sit down with the husband of Shannon Richardson, Nathan Richardson, for an interview after he was framed.  Shannon...

Dan appeared on Good Morning America, to cover the Nicholas Brooks trial.  Brooks, 26, was charged with first-degree murder of his girlfriend, Cachay.  In December 2010,...

From Mediaite:  Is Snowden a weasel or is the media just misleading the public?  The case was argued on this morning's Morning Joe.  Mediaite reports, "There were...

From Mediaite:  Hero or Traitor?  The American public has been asking that question since Snowden released surprising, private government information.  Mediaite writes, "On Tuesday’s Fox & Friends,...

The fate of Brett Seacat, a former Kansas cop accused of killing his wife and committing arson, now rests in the hands of the jury.  Today,...

From Mediaite:  Snowden, a private security contractor, came out over the weekend as the person who leaked classified National Security Agency protocols to The Guardian.  How is...

Today, on Good Morning America, Dan discusses the difficulty in finding an unbiased jury for the Zimmerman Trial.  George Zimmerman is facing second-degree murder charges for...

Dan was on Good Morning America this morning, to discuss whether Edward Snowden will be able to find asylum either within or outside of the United...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.