From Mediaite: George Zimmerman's lawyers withdraw as counsel after losing contact with him. On Tuesday afternoon, Craig Sonner and Hal Uhrig, attorneys for Zimmerman, held a press conference to announce they...
From Mediaite: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, is finally breaking his silence. The website “” went live today with what alleged to be...
From Mediaite: Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin appeared on Fox & Friends on Thursday, sharing that she believed the “war on women” rhetoric was backfiring on Democrats.“The President has made some...
Mediate reports: On Wednesday, radio host Mark Levin appeared on Fox News Channel’s America Live with Megyn Kelly to discuss President Obama's comments on Monday about the Supreme Court warning against...
From Mediaite: Soledad O'Brien tangled with George ZImmerman friend Frank Taaffe over the alleged injuries Trayvon Martin‘s shooter received during the life-and-death scuffle. O’Brien asked him about the new video footage and why...
From Mediaite: On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough delivered a devastating critique of conservative sites that have engaged in a coordinated effort to tarnish the reputation of Trayvon...
From Mediaite: Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL), fresh from his appearance on the House floor in hoodie and dark sunglasses in solidarity with slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin, appeared on...
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