From Mediaite: Following the recent attacks in Libya over a film, the U.S. should now be warned that the same could happen here. Reports Mediaite, "Violence and...

From Mediaite: Remember that awkward time when NBC's Today decided to air an interview with Kris Jenner (of Kardashian fame) instead of a moment on silence on...

From Mediaite: Sad news this morning as the U.S. Consulate in Libya was attacked. Reports Mediaite: "Riots in the North African nations of Libya and Egypt on...

From Mediaite: The eleven-year anniversary of September 11th is today, and Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough makes an important point: Let's stop and thank both George Bush and...

From Mediaite: So did Nicki Minaj endorse Mitt Romney? Now even President Obama is weighing in on the situation. Reports Mediaite, "As a refresher, Minaj’s verse on a...

From Mediaite: President Barack Obama closed out the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte last night with his highly anticipated-speech accepting the party's nomination. So what did he...

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From Mediaite: The Democratic National Convention continues, and so do the speeches. Last night, Bill Clinton's talk made headlines. Reports Mediaite, "Former President Bill Clinton injected some of his...

From Mediaite: First Lady Michelle Obama gave her highly-anticipated speech at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night, and has garnered much positive feedback. Reports Mediaite, she "hit all the right personal notes,...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.