From Mediaite: With all the Hurricane Sandy chaos, it's easy to forget that the election is merely days away. The Daily Show weighs in: "Jon Stewart told Americans hit...

As Election Day fast approaches, Dan has penned a piece for about the one election we shouldn't have: judicial elections. Writes Dan, "On Nov. 6, millions...

From Mediaite: Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast hard, and relief efforts are now in full force. Reports Mediaite, "After two days on hiatus due to Hurricane Sandy, Jon...

From Mediaite: Hurricane Sandy is headed towards the East Coast as the East Coast is headed to an election. So what does the storm mean for the...

From Mediaite: After Donald Trump's big "October Surprise," Mediaite's Josh Feldman pens a "Memo to the Media": stop letting Donald Trump troll. He writes, "[A]fter so shamelessly...

From Mediaite: In case you haven't heard, Donald Trump's big "surprise" was an offer to donate to charity if Obama releases his records. He continues to defend...

From Mediaite: Last night brought us the Comedy Central political coverage of Monday's Presidential debate. What did Jon Stewart have to say? Reports Mediaite, "On Tuesday night, Jon Stewart took...

From Mediaite: Last night brought the final Presidential Debate; here's what former Presidential candidate John McCain thought about it: writes Mediaite, "Senator McCain appeared on Fox & Friends Tuesday, where he...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.