From Mediaite: Obama defends the NSA, saying that Americans are not getting the full story. Reports Mediaite, "In an 45-minute interview that aired Monday night, President Obama...
From Mediaite: On Fox News Monday, Sarah Palin was praised by Ted Cruz for her "fearlessness." Mediaite explains, "Palin questioned Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) about the revelations...
From Mediaite: The Five takes HBO's fictional cable news show, The Newsroom, seriously. Mediaite reports, "With HBO’s The Newsroom returning for a second season next month, The...
From Mediaite: NSA's PRISM only targets foreigners and those conducting relations outside of the United States. Mediaite reports "In a Paul McCartney-shortened segment Wednesday night, Stephen Colbert...
From Mediaite: Is Snowden a weasel or is the media just misleading the public? The case was argued on this morning's Morning Joe. Mediaite reports, "There were...
From Mediaite: Hero or Traitor? The American public has been asking that question since Snowden released surprising, private government information. Mediaite writes, "On Tuesday’s Fox & Friends,...
From Mediaite: Snowden, a private security contractor, came out over the weekend as the person who leaked classified National Security Agency protocols to The Guardian. How is...
From Mediaite: Friday afternoon, the story of an army sergeant and marching band member whose superior officer apparently told him to stop reading books Sean Hannity, Mark...
From Mediaite: Version customers beware: the NSA is collecting the phone records of Version customers on an "ongoing, daily basis." Mediaite reports, "Morning Joe tackled the topic...