From Mediaite: Trayvon Martin's friend, Rachel Jeantel, gave her first interview since the trial with Piers Morgan. Reports Mediaite, "Jeantel, who created a media firestorm with her...
On Sunday morning, Dan appeared on This Week with George Stephanopoulos to discuss the Zimmerman verdict and if the prosecution had made a reasonable case. Dan...
In an article, Dan discusses the legal disadvantage the prosecution had in the trial because of the controversial, Stand Your Ground law. Dan says, "Now...
In an article, Dan answers the public's most popular questions asked after the Zimmerman verdict had been reached. On Monday, Diane Sawyer was asking her...
Yesterday, on Good Morning America, Dan appeared to discuss the rage on Twitter that has been sparked by the George Zimmerman acquittal. Dan says, "I think...
Dan joined The View as a co-host Monday morning to discuss the verdict of the Zimmerman murder trial. Along with Dan, The View welcomed Zimmerman's defense...
From Mediaite: Since the start of this case, the media and the audience have been asking, "Is this a racial case?" Zimmerman's attorney's gave their two-cents...
On Saturday morning, Dan appeared on Good Morning America to discuss the jury's deliberation. The Zimmerman trial jury has three options that they can choose to...