Bloomberg Businessweek reported yesterday on Live PD’s success despite the new media landscape of streaming websites. Amidst reports of stagnation of cable’s audience Bloomberg reports, “The...
Variety reporter Brian Steinberg recently spoke with Dan and sat in with him on his daily SiriusXM radio show. The article, titled “‘Live P.D.’ Host Dan...
A year after the New York Times instant best-selling book Lincoln’s Last Trial, Dan Abrams published Theodore Roosevelt for the Defense: The Courtroom Battle to Save...
Theodore Roosevelt for the Defense: The Courtroom Battle to Save His Legacy was published this week to high praise from critics at NPR, Publisher's Weekly, and...
Forbes announced today Law&'s new venture into book publishing. The network is now set to publish a series of true crime and legal based books under...
Dan Abrams reported this morning, Wednesday, July 20th on Good Morning America, that Fox News' Megyn Kelly told investigators of “multiple incidents” of alleged harassment by network...
Donald Trump recently claimed that having Judge Gonzalo Curiel, a Hispanic judge, preside over one of the lawsuits against Trump University, is somehow biased against Trump....
Dan appeared on Good Morning America, alongside of HLN's Nancy Grace, Wednesday, May 25th to discuss the latest Bill Cosby bombshell. The former TV dad will...
Dan appeared on Good Morning America, Wednesday, April 27th to discuss the future of Prince's multi-million dollar estate. Prince's sister has told the court that she...