On Mediaite: Betty White turned 90 yesterday, which is a huge enough milestone that the President of the United States took the time to gently poke fun...

Oh, my: Mediaite has a clip of a clever gentleman calling into C-SPAN to inquire about the size of Mitt Romney's member. Yes folks, the primary...

Mediaite has a clip of Bill O'Reilly defending Michelle Obama on his show. Wow, things in 2012 really might be different! Bernie Goldberg was interviewed comparing...

On Mediaite: Santorum's surprising popularity right before the Iowa caucus ended up carrying him to a verrrrry close second place victory, just eight votes behind caucus...

Mediaite has a helpful post from Talking Points Memo giving a brief rundown of the way the Iowa Republican caucus will work this evening. The ballots...

On Mediaite: Rick Santorum is enjoying a late, last minute surge in the polls and took the opportunity to call out Bill O'Reilly for refusing to...

Mediaite has a clip of Rachel Maddow from her show last night, arguing that the reason Newt Gingrich's surge in the polls was so short lived,...

On Mediaite: Rick Santorum's holiday vacation is already over, and he made a recent appearance on On The Record to talk about his Christmas hunting trip. "My...

On Mediaite: lest we forget that Christmas is as much about materialism these days as it is about baby Jesus/the spirit of giving, the Twitter account...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.