From Mediaite: Pat Buchanan has written a book, and  on CBS This  Morning, the former MSNBC contributor  defended the racist charges made  against it to  Charlie  Rose. “What I’m...

 From Mediaite: Bob Scheiffer questions  Rick Santorum  on views regarding Obama's  Affordable  Care act.  During a recent campaign  stop, Santorum was noted  to have spoke against  prenatal care for...

 "The M-word": it comes to our attention here  at Mediaite that Mitt Romney  has successfully  avoided the topic of Mormonism. No one else  seems to push  it much, either....

 From Mediaite: Have a listen to one of many in the  continuing  debates on the topic of Whitney Houston and  drugs. Thursday  morning's Today Show hosted a...

 From Mediaite: Sarah Palin appeared Tuesday night on On the Record, giving us her piece on Obama's plan to make  religious employers offer contraception in their...

 Maybe Rick Santorum was surprised - he's been riding on the steam of recent success, almost neck-in-neck with Romney. Mediaite shows the candidate in a  less than...

On Mediaite today: Jennifer Hudson pulled off a (surely) last minute tribute to Whitney Houston at the Grammys last night. The legendary singer died over the...

Oh, dear: Mediaite has a clip of Dylan Ratigan's "30 Million Jobs Tour" on MSNBC. The Miami leg of the tour aired this week, and it...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.