From Mediaite: Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential hopeful, made a big announcement this weekend: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) will be his running mate. There have been mixed reactions...

From Mediaite: Recently, a Democratic PAC released an ad that depicts Rep. Allen West (R-FL)  punching an old lady while accusing him of wanting to end Medicare. Today,...

From Mediaite: Here with your gaffe-time report, Mediaite is covering Romney's awkward religious slip-up. Writes the site, "At an Iowa fundraiser Tuesday night, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney slipped...

One of Dan's several roles is the CEO of Abrams Research, a company that has been quite busy recently producing a new guide to social media...

From Mediaite: As the 2012 Presidential Election quickly approaches, Mediaite is keeping you up to date with the latest polls and information on where the candidates stand....

From Mediaite: Stephen Colbert is taking on the Chick-Fil-A cluster-cluck, thanking Mike Huckabee for teaching non-believers what Christianity is all about. Reports Mediaite, "On Monday night, Comedy...

From Mediaite: Covering the tragic shooting at a Sikh temple, Mediaite is keeping up with the news cycle. Today, they report on CNN's revelation of information on...

From Mediaite: Last year, Billy Crystal hosted the Oscars. He didn't quite attract the young audience that producers were hoping to have tune in. According to Mediaite,...

From Mediaite: Senator Harry Reid's been a big name in the news today, mostly for his public scolding of his Republican colleagues. Today, Mediaite reports that he's...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.