From Mediaite:  Dana Perino bashes Obama for commenting on Trayvon Martin over the case of the baby who got shot in the face by two black teenagers. ...

From Mediaite:  NBA legend Charles Barkley backs the Trayvon Martin murder trial verdict.  Reports Mediaite, "NBA legend Charles Barkley appeared on CNBC’s Closing Bell with Maria Bartiromo...

From Mediaite:  Trayvon Martin's parents appeared on three different major networks on Thursday to speak out about their son.  Reports Mediaite, "On Thursday, the parents of slain...

From Mediaite:  O'Reilly denounces NAACP and says that Trayvon Martin's death is all about the money.  Mediaite reports, "Bill O’Reilly joined Fox And Friends Wednesday morning to...

From Mediaite:  Trayvon Martin's friend, Rachel Jeantel, gave her first interview since the trial with Piers Morgan.  Reports Mediaite, "Jeantel, who created a media firestorm with her...

From Mediaite:  Since the start of this case, the media and the audience have been asking, "Is this a racial case?"  Zimmerman's attorney's gave their two-cents...

From Mediaite:  The Zimmerman defense wrapped up its case during closing arguments this morning.  Reports Mediaite, "During closing arguments this morning, George Zimmerman‘s defense attorney made the...

From Mediaite:  In the Zimmerman Trial, the prosecution introduced a new, lesser charge that they would like the jury to consider: third-degree murder in the event of...

From Mediaite:  It was an emotional morning at The View.  Mediaite explains, "This morning on The View, Elisabeth Hasselbeck said her farewells to her colleagues and the...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.