From Mediaite: What's going to happen in Syria? Mediaite reports on one take: "New York Congressman Peter King affirmed to Fox News Wednesday morning that President Barack Obama had the constitutional...
From Mediaite: Miley Cyrus is still owning the internet. Mediaite updates, "On a day when Miley Cyrus’ disturbing twerking performance at the MTV Video Music Awards dominated every corner...
From Mediaite: The MTV Video Music Awards aired last night, and one performance particularly cause a lot of stir. Mediaite writes, "Morning Joe opened this morning with the...
From Mediaite: Yesterday, Obama faced some heckling. Reports Mediaite, "Supporters of Bradley Manning, now known as Chelsea Manning, heckled President Obama during his Thursday night speech on higher education policy.As the...
From Mediaite: Could a letter make Cory Booker lose one of his major supporters? Mediaite writes, "Television host and entertainment mogul Oprah Winfrey has been a vocal and public...
From Mediaite: Stop-and-Frisk continues to make headlines. Mediaite reports on what MSNBC had to say: "Amy Holmes, former speechwriter for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and anchor of Real...
From Mediaite: Are you only welcome in the GOP if you're white? Joe Scarborough chimes in, reports Mediaite: "On Friday morning, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, host of Morning Joe, blasted...
From Mediaite: Gay athletes have been making headlines as the 2014 Olympics approach, but today another athlete came out for the cause. Writes Mediaite, "When a TMZ reporter approached...
From Mediaite: MSNBC might want to take a look at a map. Mediaite explains, "Apparently the graphics producers working during Martin Bashir‘s MSNBC show failed geography in school?...