On Mediaite: Piers Morgan gave a rather combative interview on Howard Stern's show, in which the two warring media personalities put their feud to bed, but...

Mediaite has an impassioned defense of the NBC employee who leaked a clip of Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel puzzling over "the internet" in 1994, and...

Oh, Rush! Mediaite reports that the cantankerous radio host has expressed the decidedly controversial viewpoint that he "[doesn’t] feel any anger over [the violence against reporters...

Mediaite has some sobering footage from CNN of journalists (including Anderson Cooper) being attacked in Egypt while attempting to cover the unrest in the country. Though...

BIG sad face: Mediaite has a video in which Snooki cruelly snubs Senator Charles Schumer. She did so even after being told by numerous fans and...

On Mediaite: Chris Matthews has a weird thing about coming up with weird ways to describe Michele Bachmann. The latest was "balloon head," to which FOX's...

It's a rather unlikely comeback story — Mediaite reports that "Parker/Spitzer" has been steadily climbing in the ratings, after performing rather dismally after its premiere. Though...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.