From Mediaite: Victoria Jackson fears communists because the first thing that they do is kill the Christians. Reports Mediaite, "Victoria Jackson used to be a featured player...
From Mediaite: Maybe Anthony Weiner's private life is pretty sleazy. But isn't it more sleazy to lie, apologize, and then keep on lying to the media? Mediaite...
From Mediaite: Bill O'Reilly took on President Obama's speech on race and Trayvon Martin last night. Reports Mediaite, "Bill O’Reilly opened his show Monday night by examining...
From Mediaite: Dana Perino bashes Obama for commenting on Trayvon Martin over the case of the baby who got shot in the face by two black teenagers. ...
From Mediaite: NBA legend Charles Barkley backs the Trayvon Martin murder trial verdict. Reports Mediaite, "NBA legend Charles Barkley appeared on CNBC’s Closing Bell with Maria Bartiromo...
From Mediaite: Trayvon Martin's parents appeared on three different major networks on Thursday to speak out about their son. Reports Mediaite, "On Thursday, the parents of slain...
From Mediaite: O'Reilly denounces NAACP and says that Trayvon Martin's death is all about the money. Mediaite reports, "Bill O’Reilly joined Fox And Friends Wednesday morning to...
From Mediaite: Trayvon Martin's friend, Rachel Jeantel, gave her first interview since the trial with Piers Morgan. Reports Mediaite, "Jeantel, who created a media firestorm with her...
From Mediaite: Since the start of this case, the media and the audience have been asking, "Is this a racial case?" Zimmerman's attorney's gave their two-cents...