NO, Ann Coulter! Mediaite has video of the pundit explaining that we shouldn't be so worried about nuclear meltdown in Japan, because apparently a bit of...

Wow: Mediaite reports that Hillary Clinton has declared that she won't seek a second term as Secretary of State, and it won't be to run for...

At the party for Abram's new book on Monday night, the Observer reported, Dan's father Floyd Abrams related a rather embarrassing anecdote about Dan's experience with...

Oh, dear: Mediaite has a clip of Lawrence O'Donnell being, well, unkind to the voters in Michele Bachmann's district, calling them "the most ignorant in the...

On Mediaite: that Michele Bachmann, always with the zingers. The representative from Minnesota said during a recent radio appearance "I’ll tell you one thing, if I...

On Mediaite: it's been harrowing to watch the disaster in Japan unfold, so of course a CNN anchor was widely criticized for making a joke about...

On Mediaite: Chris Christie, whose weight loss has been widely commented on, received a compliment at a town hall meeting from a constituent who informed him...

Mediaite has a clip from Piers Morgan's show in which he brought NPR ombudsman Alicia Shepard together with Project Veritas leader James O'Keefe to discuss the...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.