Mediaite has a clip from last night's episode of "The Daily Show," which returned from a week-long hiatus to find that the Occupy Wall Street protests...
On Mediaite: Chris Wallace and Ann Coulter are fighting! Coulter was mad at Wallace after he basically forced Rick Santorum to admit that his opposition to...
Uh oh: Mediaite has a clip from Rush Limbaugh expressing his profound disappointment in Rick Perry's debate performance last night. Careful, Rick! If you keep this...
Ooh! Mediaite covers a brewing fight between Republican presidential nomination hopefuls Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, in which Romney gets to accuse Perry of anti-Mormonism. It's...
Dan Abrams faced off with several leading media figures, including Christine Hoff Summers and Dave Zinczenko, to debate the resolution "Men Are Finished" with partner Hanna...
Dan has been covering Dr. Conrad Murray's trial in Los Angeles for ABC. Murray is being charged after his patient Michael Jackson died in 2009, possibly...
Dan Abrams was all over ABC serving as their chief resource for analysis during the Amanda Knox trial. The network's extensive coverage followed the last days...