From Mediaite: Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential hopeful, made a big announcement this weekend: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) will be his running mate. There have been mixed reactions...
From Mediaite: Recently, a Democratic PAC released an ad that depicts Rep. Allen West (R-FL) punching an old lady while accusing him of wanting to end Medicare. Today,...
From Mediaite: Here with your gaffe-time report, Mediaite is covering Romney's awkward religious slip-up. Writes the site, "At an Iowa fundraiser Tuesday night, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney slipped...
From Mediaite: As the 2012 Presidential Election quickly approaches, Mediaite is keeping you up to date with the latest polls and information on where the candidates stand....
From Mediaite: Stephen Colbert is taking on the Chick-Fil-A cluster-cluck, thanking Mike Huckabee for teaching non-believers what Christianity is all about. Reports Mediaite, "On Monday night, Comedy...
From Mediaite: Covering the tragic shooting at a Sikh temple, Mediaite is keeping up with the news cycle. Today, they report on CNN's revelation of information on...
From Mediaite: Last year, Billy Crystal hosted the Oscars. He didn't quite attract the young audience that producers were hoping to have tune in. According to Mediaite,...
From Mediaite: Senator Harry Reid's been a big name in the news today, mostly for his public scolding of his Republican colleagues. Today, Mediaite reports that he's...