Um. Mediaite has a clip from "Fox & Friends," in which an eleven-year-old boy discusses the book he wrote...

Mediaite has yet another interview in which Sarah Palin coyly hints that she may run for president. This time, it was with Barbara Walters on "Nightline."...

Mediaite has all of the most up-to-the-minute junk-touching coverage! This time, famed pilot/hero Sully Sullenberger weighs in on whether or not people's junk needs to be...

On Mediaite: Dan Abrams appeared on "Parker/Spitzer" to discuss the controversy over Juan Williams's firing. Abrams argued that getting canned will only give Williams a boost,...

Mediaite has Rachel Maddow's hotly anticipated interview with Jon Stewart! Stewart, who is quickly becoming the leading media scholar of our time (I don't mean that...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.