Mediaite has a clip of Jon Stewart's commentary on one of the biggest stories of the week: the Obama administration's announcement that it would no longer...

On Mediaite: you'd think it would be impossible for Wisconsin governor Scott Walker to have more problems, but he's really outdoing himself! Walker is under new...

Mediaite has a clip from "The View" of Barbara Walters getting called out. Jessica Hahn, who was a guest this morning, and is most notable for...

On Mediaite: Chris Matthews is adorably frustrated with a poll that had Americans choosing Ronald Reagan as their favorite president. Matthews is skeptical that all those...

Though we're still waiting for NNDB to come through with a few updates for us (don't worry! We have faith!), namely that Dan was the general...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.