Oh, dear: Mediaite has a clip of Dylan Ratigan's "30 Million Jobs Tour" on MSNBC. The Miami leg of the tour aired this week, and it...

On Mediaite: when President Obama was in Arizona recently he had a tense exchange with Governor Jan Brewer, reportedly over her characterization of their relationship in...

On Mediaite today: it's been a while since we've all seen Speaker John Boehner have a good cry! Is he doing all right? Does anyone know?...

Oh, goodness — Mediaite is following a developing story on the Drudge Report about an interview with Marianne Gingrich, (one of) Newt's exes. The interview is...

On Mediaite: Betty White turned 90 yesterday, which is a huge enough milestone that the President of the United States took the time to gently poke fun...

Oh, my: Mediaite has a clip of a clever gentleman calling into C-SPAN to inquire about the size of Mitt Romney's member. Yes folks, the primary...

Mediaite has a clip of Bill O'Reilly defending Michelle Obama on his show. Wow, things in 2012 really might be different! Bernie Goldberg was interviewed comparing...

On Mediaite: Santorum's surprising popularity right before the Iowa caucus ended up carrying him to a verrrrry close second place victory, just eight votes behind caucus...

Mediaite has a helpful post from Talking Points Memo giving a brief rundown of the way the Iowa Republican caucus will work this evening. The ballots...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.