Dan Abrams visited "Nightline" to give an overview of the various theories presented by both the prosecution and the defense in the Casey Anthony trial. He...
Dan Abrams returned to "Good Morning America" to discuss the autopsy in the Casey Anthony case and the importance of the new developments in Casey Anthony's...
Dan Abrams returned to "Good Morning America" to talk about how Casey Anthony's defense attempted to place all of the blame on George Anthony and discuss...
Dan Abrams returned to "Good Morning America" to discuss some problems with the defense in accordance with new evidence and Casey's dramatic reaction to the evidence....
Dan Abrams returned to "Good Morning America" to talk about Cindy Anthony's testimony and final evidence presented by the prosecution. Several items from the home were...
Dan Abrams returned to "Good Morning America" to discuss the media frenzy surrounding the Casey Anthony murder trial and the impact of different testimonies on both...
Dan Abrams returned to "Good Morning America" again today to discuss the effects of yesterday's presentation of evidence in the trial of Casey Anthony. Prosecutors presented...