Dan Abrams stopped by Good Morning America to discuss the controversial arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF. Strauss-Kahn was arrested after allegedly assaulting...

Mediaite repots that Walt Disney has filed paperwork to trademark the phrase "Seal Team 6." But of course. To read the full post, click here. Geekosystem covers...

Mediaite has some "final thoughts" about Osama bin Laden's death from Michael Moore. These are probably Moore's first final thoughts about anything! Get the full post...

On Mediaite: the controversy over releasing photos of a dead Osama bin Laden rages on. This time Chris Matthews weighs in, wondering if the issue is...

It was inevitable: Mediaite reports that Bristol Palin will be getting her own reality TV show about life as a single mom in LA. Wait, I...

On Mediaite: it's 2011, and Rush Limbaugh still thinks that liberals are trying to destroy America. On his radio show he declared "For me, and I’ll...

On Mediaite: Tim Pawlenty talked to Laura Ingraham about his nascent presidential campaign on her radio show. Apparently, Pawlenty's biggest selling point is that he is...

It begins! Mediaite reports that FOX News has terminated its contracts with Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, a necessary step if either man wants to run...

Mediaite reports that NewsCorp, which owns FOX News along with myriad other media outlets, will begin posting political contributions online. Huh! Interesting offensive strategy. To read...

About Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams is the CEO and Founder of Abrams Media, Chief Legal Affairs Correspondent for ABC News, and Author.