"On Patrol: Live," a weekly series, hosted and executive produced by Dan Abrams, that follows police officers on patrol nationwide, has been renewed by REELZ for...
Dan Abrams’ Ev&Em Vineyards is kicking off the holiday season in a delicious way, with the release of their “Everett” Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon.
Named after his son,...
Ev&Em Vineyards located on the North Fork of Long Island, is rolling out a series of new exciting wines, including the 2023 Stainless Steel Chardonnay, 2022 Merlot, and their first Reserve...
Bottle Raiders, a spirits review website founded by Dan Abrams, has debuted an app that allows users to catalog premium spirits using their phone camera. It's...
On June 8, SiriusXM will launch "Mediaite's Press Club," an hour-long weekly show analyzing the people and events impacting media and politics. The show will air...
Left to right: Joe Scarborough, Steve Doocy, Dan Abrams, and Geraldo Rivera
On Wednesday, May 15th, Mediaite celebrated 15 years under the garden tent at Bryant Park...
Bottle Raiders, which offers reviews of fine liquors such as whiskey, tequila, gin and rum, is expanding. The site collects reviews from publications, including Bottle Raiders itself,...
Dan Abrams made a cameo in the series finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm on Sunday, April 7, playing himself alongside MSNBC's Chris Hayes.
In the episode, Abrams...