Well. Mediaite has a clip of the ladies on "The View" doing what they do best: making things awkward/awesome. The women were discussing, along with the...
Dan Abrams returned to "Good Morning America" again today to discuss the effects of yesterday's presentation of evidence in the trial of Casey Anthony. Prosecutors presented...
On Mediaite: oh, sad face. The biggest sad face. Anthony Weiner's wife is reportedly pregnant. To read the full post, click here.
Geekosystem reports that, while planking...
On Mediaite: well, Weinergate continues apace. The latest "revelation" in the scandal is that college student Genette Cordova was voted "Most Likely To Be Involved In...
Oh, dear oh dear. Mediaite reports that Anthony Weiner has admitted to Tweeting that salacious photo — along with several others. To read the full post,...
Aww! Mediaite reports that New Hampshire's largest newspaper gave more column inches (and a bigger photo) to Sarah Palin's visit to the state than Mitt Romney's...
Dan Abrams visited "World News Tonight" to discuss John Edwards' options after his recent indictment. To view the full clip, click here. function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new...
Dan Abrams visited "Good Morning America" to weigh in on the strength of the charges against John Edwards and Edwards' upcoming potential indictment. To view the...