02 Oct Jury’s Out: October 2, 2013
Dan stopped by Good Morning America for another installment of his new segment, Jury’s Out, in which he discusses some of the most controversial culture questions of the day, and pits the viewers and anchors’ opinions against his own. Up on the docket today: should Home Ec become a required core class in school? Should couples go dutch on their engagement ring? Was Wal-Mart right to pull their children’s “Naughty Leopard” Halloween costumes from shelves? Of the first Dan explains, “An opinion piece in this week’s Wall Street Journal argues that home economics, from grocery shopping to cooking to meal planning, should be part of the basic coursework for middle and high school students across the country. My take: come on,Ii get that it’s helpful to have our kids learn to eat better, but is there nothing that parents are responsible for teaching? Are we going to now to teach etiquette and setting the table in school too?” Robin Roberts responds, “I totally disagree with you. It is never a bad idea, whether at home or in school, to teach good manners.” For more opinions on this and the other two topics, watch the segment here.