23 Apr Jury’s Out: April 23, 2014
Dan hosted a segment of “Jury’s Out” on Good Morning America Wednesday, April 23rd. The first topic up for discussion was “unplugged weddings”, a new trend where guests are asked to leave their phones and cameras at the door so people can enjoy the moment without any distractions. Dan’s take? Its a bit selfish especially if people have children or obligations they have to check in on… the other anchors might not feel the same way. Next up was another wedding topic, do you have to invite your boss to your wedding? If you have a cordial, business relationship is it necessary to extend the invite? The GMA flash poll was pretty one-sided. Following the wedding topics, last week, “The New York Times” crossword puzzle provided the clue “definitely dawg” looking for the answer “fo shizzle”, was this an unfair question? Finally, should you get a tax deduction for your gym membership? See what Dan and the GMA anchors have to say about all of these issues here.