05 Jul Dan talks Trump, “Morning Joe” hosts on Real Time with Bill Maher
On July 1st, Dan joined panelists Katty Kay and Michael Steele on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher. The panel discussed Trump’s most recent controversy; namely, his disparaging tweets of MSNBC’s Morning Joe cohosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough. Dan pointed out that while “almost everyone” agrees that Trump’s tweets-referencing Morning Joe’s “low-rated” show and alleged cosmetic surgery of host Brzezinski “crossed a line,” he notes that what is perhaps more troubling than the now-infamous tweets are the allegations Scarborough has lodged against Trump. Scarborough claims that Trump’s advisors offered to pull an unflattering National Enquirer story about Brzezinski and Scarborough if they covered Trump’s presidency in a more positive light- a claim that Dan argues is akin to blackmail and a worse breach of presidential conduct than his tweets.
Link to watch below:
Dan on Real Time – via Independent Journal Review and HBO