17 Sep Dan on Oscar Pistorius Verdict
Dan joined the Good Morning America team on Thursday, September 11th to discuss the latest on Oscar Pistorius and the recent verdict in the ongoing trial. Pistorius is on trial for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, whom Pistorius claims he mistook for an intruder the night he shot her through the bathroom door of his home in South Africa. After six months, the judge has cleared the former Olympian of the two most serious charges against him, murder and premeditated murder but is yet to read her verdict. Pistorius can still potentially be convicted of culpable homicide which is similar to the charge of manslaughter in the United States. Says Dan, “I mean when you look at the facts in this case that he shot her in his own home behind a locked door, this is a big win for Oscar Pistorius. It also does seem from the judge’s language that it’s almost certain that she’s going to convict him of the lesser crime of culpable homicide so in theory there could still be a stiff sentence here.” Watch the full clip here.