04 Sep Dan on Nightline: September 3rd, 2013
Dan is back from vacation and back at the Nightline anchor desk: last night, his episode focused on a moving company scam. ABC’s Nick Want went undercover to tell the story of a family who claims all their belongings were held hostage by a moving company. Says Dan, “If you’ve ever had an airline lose your luggage, you know what that sense of panic can feel like. Now what if it’s all of your life’s belongings that are packed? From baby pictures to clothes to furniture, in the hands of a moving company holding your property and demanding more money. Earlier this summer, we met one family who said their movers did just that… so we joined them on their quest to reclaim their worldly possessions.” Also in the episode, it’s the 50th anniversary of one of those belongings you may have packed: the lava lamp! Watch the full episode for both stories here.