25 Sep Dan on Jury’s Out: September 25, 2013
Dan is back on Good Morning America with his new segment, “Jury’s Out.” Dan presents the most controversial lifestyle issues of the day, and asks for the viewers’ opinion as he presents his alongside the other GMA anchors. Today, Dan asks whether the U.S. should follow in the footsteps of the French Senate and ban child beauty pageants – to which he says no, but explains, “I find these contests disgusting, but now the government is going to start telling you what kind of contests you can enter your kid into, so if your kid is 6 or 10 or even a 14-year-old model it’s okay, but not in one of these contests? We can’t legislate parenting like this.” He also asks whether the phrase “women and children” is outdated (“It’s a great way to try to tug on our heartstrings but women are adults like men, and to suggest that they’re any more helpless in my view is sexist at this point,” says Dan.) And finally, are cell phones taking over our lives? Dan answers, “I am a mobile device addict, but all of these people bragging about their various cute methods of disconnecting… is it really that hard to just check it when you need to?” The anchors and viewers don’t always agree with Dan – watch the full segment here.