25 Sep Dan on Coffee Poisoning Case
Dan appeared on Good Morning America, Wednesday, September 14th. The legal case up for discussion is about a love-triangle, murder attempt between doctors. A prominent cancer researcher is accused of almost killing her lover by spiking his coffee with poison. New evidence has been released including a cell phone video of the victim in the hospital as the poison courses through his veins. Prosecutors allege that Dr. Anna Gonzalez poisoned Dr. George Blumenschein with a sweet-tasting poison found in anti-freeze claiming it was Splenda all because he chose to not leave his long-time girlfriend for Gonzalez. Gonzalez is charged with aggravated assault and has pleaded not guilty but if convicted could possibly face life in prison. Says Dan, “Look, the most important question in this case, in addition to the medical evidence, is do you believe the doc? Because if you believe his account, she says I have a special brew of Colombian coffee I’d like you to try, he says great let me try it, immediately he says this tastes incredibly sweet, she says oh I put in Splenda etc. Very shortly thereafter he’s in the hospital, they say he’s poisoned…If you believe all of that, it’s very hard to think of how the defense is going to be able to overcome that.” Watch the full clip here.