11 Nov Dan on Closing Arguments in Polo Mogul Trial
Dan appeared on Good Morning America, Monday, October 27th to discuss the closing arguments in the trial of polo mogul, John Goodman. The latest testimony was focused on Goodman’s Bentley, the car that Goodman was driving when he was charged with a DUI manslaughter. Goodman is claiming he didn’t crash because he was drunk but rather because his car malfunctioned. Says Dan, “It’s less about the Bentley and more about if he was drunk. If he was drunk when the crash occurred, it is hard to see how he wouldn’t be convicted… He’s saying he went to an empty home of a friend of his and chugged alcohol after the crash and that’s why he had such a high blood alcohol number. He’s not disputing that he was drunk when they took his blood alcohol. He’s saying the only reason I was drunk was because I drank after the crash, not before it. That, to me, becomes the key question.” Watch the full clip here.