21 Jul Dan Discusses OJ Simpson Parole Hearing
On Good Morning America June 20th, Dan joined the studio to discuss the factors that ultimately led to the release of perhaps the nation’s most infamous parolee, OJ Simpson. Dan mentions that the public has largely forgotten that Simpson was previously granted parole on five out of twelve of the charges lodged against him in the 2007 robbery he is currently incarcerated for, which improved his chances for an October 2017 release. As Dan notes, there are eleven factors parolees face when facing the commissioners–aspects such as the crime itself, behavior while in prison, age, gender, and criminal history. Some of these helped to work for Simpson- for example, in his 2013 hearing, Simpson pointed to his disinfecting of prison weight-room equipment and coaching of other inmates as examples of his good behavior and rehabilitation. In addition, despite public opinion, Simpson legally has no criminal history–just notoriety.
See Dan discuss the case below:
via ABC.