18 Apr Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
On Mediaite: the ladies of the “View” scored a bit of a coup today, with First Ladies Michelle Obama and Jill Biden on the program to promote a new project to support military families called “Joining Forces.” Though they were grilled about whether criticism of their husbands bothered them (for example, the kerfuffle over Joe Biden nodding off during Obama’s speech last week), the ladies were well prepared. Said Jill, “He does that to me all the time!” Watch the interview here.
Cool! Geekosystem brings us the news that harmful Staph bacteria can be found in about half the meat in American grocery stores. Even cooler — 96% of the bacteria identified was resistent to antibiotics. So far the bacteria doesn’t seem to pose much of a threat to human life, but, as scientists are fond of reminding us, you never know. Make way for the superbug, I guess! To read the full post, click here.
Styleite has absolutely gorgeous pictures of Natasha Poly, who married her fiancé Peter Bakker over the weekend. Noteworthy: her stunning Givenchy wedding gown had sleeves, which the Styleite crew (and I) love to see, as it breaks up the monotony of strapless wedding gowns all brides seem to want to wear. To see the photos, click here.
On Sportsgrid today: Cheyenne Woods is one of the best golfers in the nation, and in addition to inheriting her uncle Tiger’s prowess on the court, she is also his doppelganger. Seriously, the resemblance is uncanny! To see what I mean, click here.
Saaaad face! Gossip Cop has a clip of Gary Busey being fired on “Celebrity Apprentice” last night. Busey was getting on Meat Loaf’s last nerve, but it’s too bad that he won’t be around anymore to add his particular brand of crazy to the cast. Of course, the rest of the contestants are all nuts in their own special ways too! Watch the clip here.
The Mary Sue covers one man’s breakdown of comic credits for Marvel and DC. The ratio of men to women is shocking, but not super surprising when one considers what a boy’s club the comics world can be. To read the full post, click here.