31 Mar Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
On Mediaite: a rare (well, at the moment) moment of levity from President Obama. At a town hall meeting hosted by Univision, a follow up to a question about the President’s iPad was “do you have your own computer?” Mr. President could not let that one go. To read the full post, click here.
Geekosystem has good news for hipsters who thought they’d exhausted all their options for taking pictures of themselves! There’s a new iPhone app that allows users to take “Game Boy” style photographs, pixellated and in black and white and everything! It’s like they knew. Get the full post here.
On Styleite: Rihanna’s Rolling Stone cover has been released, and it’s…kind of weird. Weird because the singer is pictured literally exploding out of a pair of very small, very shiny denim shorts, and weirder still because the inspiration for the shoot is reportedly “if Rihanna and Kid Rock had a baby.” Timely, I guess! See it here.
Rude! Sportsgrid reports that David Ferrer hit a tennis ball in the general direction of a crying baby at the Sony Ericsson Open yesterday. Now, even though silence during matches is important to tennis players, it seems that someone was behaving a lot like a crying baby, am I right or am I right? Get the full post here.
YAY! Gossip Cop reports that the New Kids On The Block and the Backstreet Boys have fused into a literal supergroup called KNOTBSB. And they have a single called “Don’t Turn Out The Lights.” And it rules. I’m sorry, but it does. Listen to it here.
Ooh, word clouds! The Mary Sue brings us clouds for 2 groups of popular children’s toys. Unsurprisingly, the biggest word for Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Kung Zhu, Nerf, Transformers, Beyblades, and Bakugan is “battle”; for Zhu Zhu Pets, Zhu Zhu Babies, Bratz Dolls, Barbie, Moxie Girls, Easy Bake Ovens, Monster High Dolls, My Little Pony, Littlest Pet Shop, Polly Pocket, and FURREAL Friends it’s “love.” But don’t they know that love is a battlefield? See the rest of the clouds here.