10 Mar Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
On Mediaite: Chris Christie, whose weight loss has been widely commented on, received a compliment at a town hall meeting from a constituent who informed him that “having a governor that is smart and has the perseverance to do what’s right is hot and sexy.” Oh, my! Christie asked her to write a note to his wife. “Aww”s all around! Watch it here.
Geekosystem asks you: would you like to see a life-size replica of a Toyota made entirely out of blue Play-Doh? Yes, yes you would. To see the full image, click here.
On Styleite today: the fallout from John Galliano’s stunningly racist remarks continues, with Canadian stores pulling his fragrance Parlez Moi d’Amour from store shelves and halting future sales. Let this be a lesson: don’t be an unbelievable racist goon! There are real consequences! Get the full post here.
Sportsgrid covers a rather irritating tweet from ESPN radio host Colin Cowherd, who opined “Tried coconut water . I like cocunuts and water, just not together. Sort of like how i like women and basketball, just not womens bb.” I guess I can relate, since I like my radio hosts and I like my uninformed opinions, I just don’t like radio hosts spouting uninformed opinions. Huh — we’re not so different, you and I! To read the full post, click here.
Gossip Cop reports that Tony Danza and his wife of 24 years will be divorcing. Sad day! We are wishing them both well. Get the full post here.
The Mary Sue brings us a very interesting prediction for Charlie Sheen’s next job, working with a production as embattled as the star itself. I’m referring, of course, to “Spiderman: Turn Off The Dark.” DUH! See the image here.