28 Feb Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
On Mediaite: oh, Charlie Sheen! The actor continues his string of rogue media appearances, ostensibly designed to convince everyone that he does not have a drug problem by acting like someone on the biggest coke bender of all time. This time it was Good Morning America, where he gifted the world with gems like “You borrow my brain for five seconds, and just be like, ‘Dude, can’t handle it, unplug this bastard.’ Because it fires in a way that’s you know, maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm.” Definitely not what someone on coke would say. Oh wait. Watch the interview here.
Geekosystem informs us that those square plastic ties on loaves of bread are not just for getting lost in crevices in one’s kitchen; they are actually color-coded indicators of when the bread was baked! Now you can rely on this instead of digging for the loaves in the back of the shelf on the off-chance that the old supermarket adage is true. Get the full post here.
On Styleite today: despite being nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress, Michelle Williams kept a pretty low profile at the ceremony last night — but that didn’t keep us from noticing her rather daring sheer Chanel dress. Opinion seems split as to whether the look was a success or not, and you can weigh in on Styleite’s own poll here.
LOL — Sportsgrid reports that Iran is upset about the 2012 Olympic logo, claiming that it subliminally spells out “ZION” and that it is both blatantly pro-Israel and racist. This is a bit rich, considering all the nasty things Ahmadinejad has to say about…well, just about everyone. To see the evil, racist logo in full and read the full post, click here.
On Gossip Cop: would you like to know how long Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart danced together at the pre-Oscar party at the Chateau Marmont? Would you like to know whether or not they kissed? Would you like to know exactly what moves they busted? Luckily, there’s a app source for that. Get a full breakdown here.
Welcome to our brand new site, TheMarySue.com! Pop over and view one of our inaugural posts (their gross Cosmo super(sex)heroes is highly recommended by all those who love to laugh, especially when it’s at one of Cosmo’s attempts to be funny). See it here.