12 Oct Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
Uh oh: Mediaite has a clip from Rush Limbaugh expressing his profound disappointment in Rick Perry’s debate performance last night. Careful, Rick! If you keep this up you will cease to be the right’s preferred candidate next to Mitt Romney, and then what? To listen to the clip, click here.
On Geekosystem: okay, so we knew human hair jewelry existed, and while we weren’t thrilled about it, we could live with it. But human hair embroidery? This is a bridge too far, people. To read the full post, click here.
Aww! Styleite has a video of Elmo, Conan O’Brien’s close personal friend (apparently), offering a spirited defense of redheads on the ginger-haired talk show host’s behalf. To watch the video and have all of your anti-ginger prejudices disappear, click here.
Sportsgrid reports that Alex Rodriguez was spotted canoodling, or whatever it is that celebrities do when they date people, with a muscular blonde woman shortly after his split from Cameron Diaz. This might be an indication of his preference fo muscular blondes, but more importantly holy Cameron Diaz’s arms in this photograph! Am I right or am I right? Get the full post here.
Gossip Cop has a clip of Julianne Hough’s return to “Dancing With The Stars” last night, where she performed a routine from “Footloose” with costar Kenny Wormald. Raise your hand if you literally could not be more excited for this movie! Everyone should have their hands up right now! Watch the clip here.
On The Mary Sue, you can listen to an entire song from the upcoming Muppet movie (yay!) brought to you by RyanSeacrest.com (Boo!!!!!!). Listen to it here.
Hahahaha — Mogulite reports that while the General Motors WiFi network was hacked, it was by someone who must love GM. The results of the hacking were that any searches for GM competitors automatically had “sucks” added to the end. Biggest brown-nosing prankster ever! o read the full post, click here.