13 Sep Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
Mediaite covers Rachel Maddow’s reaction to John Boehner delaying President Obamas address for several hours, because there were several important votes that couldn’t be moved. Turns out, those votes included “a roll-call vote authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Law Enforcement Torch Run, a “charity jogging event,” and a congratulations to a North Carolina softball team for making the Little League World Series.” Oh. To watch the clip, click here.
On Geekosystem: an artist created a somewhat bleak-looking “mushroom cloud” fort, using rope, wood, steel and poly-fil. One can either look at this and contemplate the end of civilization, or look at it and think “Ooh, a FORT!” To read the full post, click here.
Styleite has photos of Michelle Williams’s Marilyn Monroe-themed spread in Vogue. While the photos are gorgeous, I have to wonder why it became a rite of passage for every up-and-coming starlet to be photographed impersonating one of Hollywood’s most tragic figures. To read the full post, click here.
Sigh. Sportsgrid reports on a claim by Manny Ramirez’s wife that the Tampa Bay Rays player physically abused her — a rumor that comes on the heels of Ramirez’s abrupt retirement in the spring after failing a drug test. To read the full post, click here.
On Gossip Cop today: Will Smith and Marc Anthony, who are supposed to hate each other after Jada Pinkett-Smith and Marc Anthony’s very passionate and very unconfirmed affair, are either very forgiving or very committed to ignoring those rumors. The two were seen palling around at a Miami Dolphins game Monday Night. To see photos, click here.
Even cats need to time travel! The Mary Sue has a story about a cat who got her very own Tardis. To read the full post, click here.
Mogulite reports that the CEO of World’s Finest Chocolate has commissioned a 12,000 pound chocolate bar (breaking the previous world record) and is going to use it to teach children about healthy eating, because why not? Get the full post here.