07 Sep Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
Uh…Mediaite has a clip from Fox and Friends in which Peter Johnson, Jr. and Steve Doocy lament the “politicization” of 9/11. Is…this a trick question? I don’t get it. To watch the clip, click here.
Geekosystem reports that researchers at Tufts have created the world’s smallest electric motor. How small? It’s made from a single molecule. No big deal — literally! (Sorry.) To read the full post, click here.
Styleite has a bit of bad news for those of us who love to complain about what a hassle New York Fashion week is: it makes the city a ton of money. Guess how much? Nope, more than that. To see the full breakdown, click here.
Sportsgrid covers some good-natured hazing (we hope) from the Chicago White Sox, that involved making two of their rookie players wear fairy wings. Could be worse! Get the full post here.
Gossip Cop confirms the rumor that a man broke into Celine Dion’s Canadian home, made a snack, and then drew a warm bath? Maybe the hot water was switched off at his place? To read the full post, click here.
On The Mary Sue: scientists are still trying to figure out what the point of the female orgasm is, as apparently they’ve been unable to pinpoint a biological purpose. Should they stop having them or something? For science? Get the full post here.
Mogulite attempts to parse all of the firing that happened at Bank of America’s offices on Wall Street, which included the ouster of president of global wealth and investment management Sally Krawcheck. Yikes! To read the full post, click here.