01 Sep Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
On Mediaite: people are still having Newt Gingrich on their programs to talk about politics, and so Newt Gingrich is still saying things like “there’s something sad about a president this ineffective.” So it goes; and so it was; and so it shall be. To watch the clip, click here.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geekosystem reports that someone took down Justin Bieber’s YouTube channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Temporarily!!!!!!!!!! It’s back up now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To read the full post, click here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, dear: in Styleite’s StyleDish they wonder how Annie Leibowitz was able to magically make 5′ 10″ Khloe Kardashian the same height as her much smaller sisters. To see the rest of the Dish, click here.
Well, thank heaven: Sportsgrid confirms that the “NFL on Fox” robot has been rebuilt. To read the full post, click here.
Gossip Cop busts a rumor that Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston had a huge fight about Botox. Wait, what? Get the full post here.
The Mary Sue has a short film that covers it all: motherhood, career, and Death personified. You heard me. To watch it, click here.
On Mogulite today: oh, dear. Some moguls had a $600 dinner, and then explained it away by arguing that was the price one must pay for “halfway decent” food. To read the full post, click here.