08 Jul Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
Mediaite asks: would you like to see Ann Curry trying to wrangle nine of Nadya Suleman’s babies on the Today Show set? Come onnnn. To watch the clip, click here.
Geekosystem reports that Apple, well known for offering awesome freebies to students, is giving this year’s crop of shoppers a $100 iTunes gift card with the purchase of a new mac. Also noteworthy: Apple has now cornered 80% of the student market. Get the full post here.
The good people at Styleite have itemized and analyzed all of Beyoncé’s wardrobe choices in her latest video, for “Best Thing I Never Had.” Watch the video and view their slideshow here.
Sportsgrid brings us a feast for the eyes: the top 5 off-the-court photos of Yao Ming. Go forth and feast here.
On Gossip Cop: Perez Hilton suspected that Zac Efron and Rumer Willis might be dating, and posted about it on his site. Unfortunately, he got “dating” confused with “being in the same place for any amount of time.” Happens to all of us! To read the full post, click here.
The Mary Sue has cute pictures of the cast of the “Harry Potter” films tearfully attending the premiere of the franchise’s final installment. I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying! See the photos here.
Oh my. According to Mogulite, Twitter is currently valued at $8 billion. Get the full post here.