02 Jun Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
Mediaite warns us to stock up on tissues and conserve our tears — Glenn Beck’s final day on FOX will be June 30th. Man, seems like just yesterday dude was using his cable show to lead a whole political rally! They grow up fast. To read the full post, click here.
Geekosystem askes: do you have 15 minutes to spare and an aimless desire to go…somewhere? Mapnificent can help you achieve this goal! To find out how, click here.
Styleite has a promotional video from Ford Models of men chosen to walk the runways in Brazil this summer. Obviously, the men are great looking, but the direction (which seems to have been “Take off your shirt, then move in…a direction) leaves something to be desired. Watch it here.
No. Sportsgrid reports that there is an underwater golf course currently under construction in the Maldives. It’s like people are trying to make us get raptured or something. To read the full post, click here.
Gossip Cop brings us details from Kelsey and Camille Grammer’s ongoing divorce saga. The latest movement in the case came from Camille, who has filed for primary custody of the couple’s two children. Get the full post here.
The Mary Sue has a new entry in an old internet meme, and whether you think it’s stale or not depends on your capacity to appreciate movie clips of Hitler losing it out taken of context. Full disclosure: mine is infinite. Watch the clip here.
On Mogulite: oh, NO! Amazon’s partnership with Lady Gaga to sell her new album for 99 cents resulted in a crashed website and $3 million lost. If you give the Little Monsters an inch, they take a mile! To read the full post, click here.