27 May Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
On Mediaite: make whatever preparations/phone calls you need to, because this season is officially the Summer of the Slut! To learn more, click here!
Geekosystem has a video featuring Data from “Star Trek” (who I always thought was kind of hot, no big deal) rapping about cats. In a related story, the internet has caved in on itself and no one knows why! Watch the video here.
Aww! Styleite reports that Christopher Kane’s new cute clutches actually began as a get well soon gift for his sister, who was sick with the flu. Best brother ever! Get the full post here.
Sportsgrid has the story of a cheerleading squad in Seattle that came under fire for some controversial hazing techniques, including forcing recruits to wear diapers and hitting them with…hot dogs. Yes, as in the foodstuff. Oh, teenage girls! To read the full post, click here.
Oof — Gossip Cop confirms that Jeff Conaway passed away after being taken off life support today. He was in a coma for several weeks following a drug overdose earlier this May. To read the full post, click here.
The Mary Sue confirms that “Men In Black 3” is indeed happening! Whoa, blast from the past! Also…did anyone ask for that? Get the full post here.
Mogulite has good news for everyone who has always wanted to fly to the Hamptons, but couldn’t possibly think of a way to get there! Hotelier Andre Balazs is offering flights from NYC, but they’re only available to those of us with an extra $1000 lying around. To read the full post, click here.