24 May Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
On Mediaite: though probably unavoidable, the invasion of privacy by the media into the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s alleged love child is still pretty sad. Today his photo and MySpace photo were leaked — to read the full post, click here.
Geekosystem brings word of an internet photographic phenomenon called “planking” that is apparently taking the World Wide Web by storm. And we’re already late to the party! Quick: get the full post here.
Styleite has Lady Gaga’s interview with the ladies of “The View.” Unsurprisingly, Gaga wore a costume that limited her mobility and made her look a little crazy. Very surprisingly, her mom was in the audience looking totally normal! Watch the clip here.
Sad face! Sportsgrid reports that the Richmond Flying Squirrels, a minor league baseball team, made hay out of the fact that the first pitch of their game was made by a local police officer named Kevin Bacon…by pretending that the actor Kevin Bacon would be throwing the first pitch. Way to ruin that guy’s special moment, guys! Get the full post here.
On Gossip Cop: there have been some weird contestants on “The Bachelorette,” but Tim, a liquor distributor who showed up wasted at the mansion, takes the cake. Watch him get ejected from the house here.
The Mary Sue imagines if “Doctor Who” was just a little bit more like “Friends.” What? It makes sense. To see the results, click here.
Mogulite wonders: is cursing in one’s resumé the final frontier of professionalism? To see what happens when someone decides to apply for a job as the uncensored version of themselves, click here.