19 Nov Dan on Ferguson Missouri Impending Grand Jury Decision
Dan joined George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America, Wednesday, November 19th to discuss the impending grand jury decision in Ferguson, Missouri as well as Missouri Governor, Jay Nixon, who is under fire for his decision to call up the National Guard to Ferguson. As a grand jury decision on officer Darren Wilson is expected any moment, the tensions and police presence in Ferguson, Missouri, are rising. Nixon is defending his reasoning for declaring a state of emergency before the grand jury’s decision regarding the death of Michael Brown at the hands of officer Darren Wilson. Says Dan, “This is different than typical grand juries. Typically a D. A., walks in and says here’s a detective or two, here’s the charge we would like you to move forward with. In this case, they’re calling in a whole lot of witnesses, and presenting evidence before the reports are done. So the authorities haven’t prepared the reports.They’re presenting it right to the grand jury. They’re even calling in certain defense witnesses. But remember, inherently grand jury processes are different than a regular trial.” Watch the full clip here.