17 Jun Advertising Age Article on Dan and The Mary Sue Merger
Advertising Age recently published an article entitled, “In Bet on Girl Geeks, Dan Abrams Folds Geekosystem Site Into TheMarySue”, about the new merger between Abrams Media sites’ Geekosystem and The Mary Sue. The article delves into detail about why the decision was ultimately made and how it will benefit the staff of both sites. Among one of the reasons was that the audience of The Mary Sue appeared to be more engaged than that of Geekosystem. Abrams Media President, Bridget Williams, was quoted in the article, “Geek is the new mainstream,” Ms. Williams said. “One reason we’re doubling down on the geek girl is that we feel the advertising opportunity is huge.” The article indicates that this, indeed, might be true, with the audience for The Mary Sue on the rise and the appeal to not only women but men as well. For more on the merger and to read the full article from Advertising Age click here.